Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Tipping Point for the VFX Community

Wait, so what happened at the Oscars 2013? <~ will hopefully catch you up.

This story definitely has legs... so I wanted to document the amount of coverage it has been recieving regarding the state of our visual effects industry. Twitter feeds have been blowing up since the red carpet of this years Oscars as 480+ visual effects artists and their families protested outside the event in Hollywood...
"While hundreds of VFX artists gathered outside the Dolby Theater, attempting to bring attention to their plight, the Academy broadcast a demeaning and disrespectful attitude toward VFX to the entire world. The fact that Ang Lee and Claudio Miranda failed to acknowledge the VFX work that was fundamental to their receiving awards is symptomatic of this attitude." ~ VFX Supervisor Kevin Mack
"Is Hollywood paying attention? Because real trouble is on the horizon." ~Editor & Film Critic Drew McWeeny
Note: This topic has been ongoing for years now, but my goal with this blog was to spotlight the most recent events leading up to the tipping point... I plan to update this post with additional coverage as they occur, if you'd like to contribute with updates, fixes, additions, etc, by all means, contact me.

Leading up to the Oscars...

photo by Jeff Heusser 

Oscar Sunday



Before VFX Tumblr 


Phil Tippett
Phil Tippett
VFX Industry is Getting Decimated


VFX Roundtable w/ Scott Squires,
Dave Rand, & Scott Ross



It's been a week since the protest and the Oscar mishaps. I wanted everyone to know that all that spirit is not going to dwindle, not one bit. The press may subside as it does, but we are all sharing ideas and moving forward on organizing leverage at both the vfx professional level and the vendor level (union and trade association) to match the leverage we are up against (studios and the AMPTP -their trade association) Soon we will be looking for help at the shop level to organize these events. Stay tuned. Much More To Come. ~Dave Rand

Sunday... one week later.

Those who have been active over the years, recently leading the charge, and other people rising to the occasion... I have linked them on the right hand side.

My 2 Cents...


  1. For Vfx, Illustrators, & Animators

    During the Academy’s “Life of Pi” Making-of Clips, we will be peacefully demonstrating for those currently effected by outsourcing & job loss throughout the Film Industry. Including the Corruptions over at Disney and elsewhere-


    Academy of Motion Pictures

    8949 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, 90211

    Monday May 6, 2013


    Free Parking at Lot on S. La Peer.
